Saturday, January 28, 2012

Run, run, run as fast as you can!!

Essentials to start my day... Ipod, heart monitor, tank in various colors, yoga pants, running shoes and plain old water!!

It's off to the gym before the sun rises for a 6.5 mile run and weight lifting.. then back home once again to do it all over 7 days a week!!

Foshay Tower, Minneapolis

Our sight seeing day in Minneapolis exploring the Foshay Tower and Skyway system...

Nice outside... Warm January Day

This was one of those really rare Jaunary Days in Minnesota. We were able to expose our skin, soak up the sunny rays for hours, laying in the grass. We even managed to doze off next to the lake... Minnesota NICE!!!

Mojo Monkey.. The Bacon Maple Donut!!

The Best Donut Place....EVER!!!
Who would have thought.. bacon and a donut, but OH Sooooo Good!!

Some of the other orig dount combo's.. All were yummy!! We will be back!

Celina's 6th Grade Band Concert

Happy New Year 2012

 New Years Eve.. Saying goodbye to 2011 and Hello .....2012!!

Happy New Year!

Not sure why I didn't take more photos to include everyone! Ugh!!!!

Dinner atTwin Cities Grill, Drinks at Last Resort Dicks and Dancing Salsa at the Cantina, ringing in the new year with friends, John/Kirsten, Cary/Patty!

Cooking with Steve & Lorraine

Winter..... Snow!!!

I was so excited when it snowed earlier this week. I finally was able to use my new cross country skis. I've been out every day at the park..making my own trail and going 4 miles per day. I'm in my happy place!!!

Celina Braces

Before Braces 1/27/12

Celina Braces!!

Celina was super excited to get her 2nd round of braces! She will have new straight teeth in 20 months.

Saturday, January 21, 2012