Saturday, July 21, 2012

Boys RAAA Soccer

Logan scored a few goals at his first RAAA Soccer game this past week. Way to go Logan.!!!

RAAA Girls Soccer

 Celina had her first soccer game of the season with RAAA.. she was the 1st to score a goal for her team!! Way to go Celina!!!

Rosemount, Run for the Gold

Times: 1 Mile Race
Me: 6 min 39 sec
Celina 7 min 41 sec
Logan 7 min 40 sec

Friday, July 20, 2012


This summer is now full of soccer Monday - Thursday night. I volunteered to be the Assistant Coach of RAAA soccer for both Celina and Logan's teams.

Being the assistant, there isn't a whole lot to do. I'm still learning the game and we have plenty of help from High School soccer players. They are great with the kids so I get to sit back and enjoy. My main purpose was to send off e-mails, do the shirt names, have parents sign up for treats, take the concussion test and know what to do and look for if needed.

Celina and Logan both had their first games this week. Both teams lost the game but my kids did the best! They each scored a goal and Logan scored a few goals for his team and Celina scored the only goal. Got to like that they are having a good season of soccer!

Pix soon..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

2 mile race
Picnic & Boating in Cannon Falls
Dinner at Kendra & Pauls with roof top fireworks in Edina