Saturday, May 12, 2012

This is weird...

Okay, so I know this photo is not the best... but Steve and I were out at Doolittles in Eagan last night. Across the restaurant in a booth facing us was a look a like couple to Tim & Rachel. Weird... we were 1000% convinced at one point that that was them.. Steve took a walk across the restaurant to see if it was really them. Nope..

Too funny!!! How much more similar can you get?

That's not even the whole story!! Steve calls his brother on his cell. Tim doesn't answer so he texts. The couple is busy with the waitress while he is making the call so we figure they are ignoring it. Then after the text the couple has their phone out and Steve's phone is ringing. We are looking over at them, they are looking at us. At one point while Steve is on the phone the guy stands and throws his arms in the air with the woman. They laugh loudly. Steve figures this must be Tim. Joke is on us!! The couple look alikes were very nice and had a good laugh with us.

Maybe there is a look alike couple out there for us? Ever wonder?

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